2016 Annual Report
This has been a year of progress. In our trip in March this year 5 professionals from the USA spoke to over 2800 professors, teachers, students, cadets, children, and nursing students as well as 375 attenders in three churches. This was in one short week. The bigger news is what was accomplished during the rest of the year. But first, I would like you to read our vision and strategy to realize this vision.
Vision: To transform Honduras from a country with innumerable problems to a successful country, a country blessed by God, and a model for the rest of the world.
Strategy: Focus on the fundamentals that build a society. It’s our value system, what’s important to us and the principles that come from those values that are the fundamentals. Based on this we started with the universities and are now in the high schools and grade schools and this year in churches as well. To do this, we have written three books for professors, teachers and church leaders to use. We also bring a group of professionals each year to share their experience and the values that made them successful.
Values and Principles that Can Change the World for universities and high schools.
Principles that Make you Strong for grade schools.
Meant for Greatness for churches.
Honduras Activities
National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH):
• Approved the CFI in Comayagua as the National Center for the Formation of Values. (CNFV)
• Approved a new Diploma program for professors and students of the Essential pro-gram which includes the teaching of values and principles.
• Completed a review of our book, Values and Principles that Can Change the World, so as to make it available for sale to students at the bookstore at UNAH in Tegucigalpa.
Activities of Arnulfo Matute, Joel Garcia and Elin Torrez:
Arnulfo has continued his work of training professors and teachers in the teach-ing of our book for universities and was instrumental in promoting the change in the CFI to the CNFV in Comayagua. He has also worked with the national university in Jutical-pa to actively work with the new CNFV. In addition he trained our newest worker Elin
Torrez to present seminars for grade school teachers who will use the PTTW book writ-ten for them.
Joel Garcia our representative in Comayagua during the first part of the year vis-ited 22 schools to introduce to them the PTTW book for grade school teachers.
Elin Torrez took over in September as our representative in Comayagua and re-visited the 22 schools previously visited by Joel and an additional 21. In presenting this book to the teachers through seminars, the parents of the children in the schools re-quested that they receive this teaching as well. In all, he and Arnulfo presented eight seminars to 34 teachers, 150 students and 520 parents.
February 28 - March 7 Trip to Comayagua
At universities, schools, university of defense and to nursing students, we spoke to over 2800 professors, teachers, students, cadets, children, and nursing students.
At three churches we spoke to 375 attenders.
Met the director of the National Police Academy where over 2000 cadets are trained.
This was a great year and has opened so many opportunities to us for the next year and beyond. Thanks to all of you that helped us financially. Because of you we managed to meet our budget and more.
Here is a way you can help us. Consider signing up with smile.amazon.com which has everything at the same prices as amazon.com but Professionals to the World will get 0.5% of the sale price at no cost to you.
Just type smile.amazon.com and then select Professionals to the World as your charity.
Thank you for your consideration. This year was great and 2017 will be unbelievable.
God bless you.
School Principal in Comayagua, Arnulfo Matute, Professor Letty Fajardo, John Potts, Charly Potts, Chip Paulson, Gabriel Blandin, John Ristvey, Martin Chedid, Professor Carolina and Joel Garcia.
Meeting with the Academic Vice Rectora
Police Cadets | Meeting with Colonel of Police Academy