2013 Annual Report

This was another exciting year. At the end of 2012, the Center of Integral Formation was completed and dedicated at the national university in Comayagua, Honduras. During 2013, the university and PTTW, contributed the funds to buy 140 chairs, air conditioning, a sound system and a projector for the building. Now it is in continuous use for important conferences, the teaching of leadership and values under the control of the Values Committee at the university.

All that PTTW has done at this university in Honduras could never have happened without the support of the university director and others in the administration and the Values Committee. They have seen the vision and have been the key to the success of the program that is changing the lives of many of their students.

This year we started a social project with children from two of the poorest neighborhoods in Comayagua. The project was a needed addition to the teaching of values and principles by professors at the university. To effectively teach these principles, the students need an application and that’s where a social project has proved effective. The three hundred children from three schools in poor neighborhoods were selected and 50 university students receiving the values teaching worked with them providing needed meals, school supplies and mentoring. Most of these kids that the university students are mentoring would be very fortunate to finish grade school. Now they may well have the opportunity to attend a university. Who can imagine the impact this small beginning could have in their country?

In June we had three ladies from Honduras, (two university professors and one school teacher) come to Colorado for training in ‘Write Tools,’ a writing program taught by Barbara Hermanson. To bring them here instead of us going there was something new this year. We are hoping to get this teaching in their universities and schools since it has proven to be so effective in the USA.

We only had one trip to Honduras this year but it was very effective. The trip took place from August 31 to Sept 8 and we spent the whole week in Comayagua. Participants were Jim Lynn (Architect), Martin Chedid (Financial Planner), John Potts(Engineer) all from Denver, Mike Guerrero (Business) from Los Angeles and Bruce Griffitts (Business) from Dallas.

Together we spoke to 500 children, 250 high school students, several hundred university students, 50 or more professors and 25 grade school teachers.

This teaching and the program of Values and Principles taught by the professors at this university in Comayagua has brought a lot of attention throughout the national university system. Comayagua is becoming the model for the rest of the country and we expect the growth in the program to be significant in the next few years.

We still have challenges but many professors are seeing the value of what we are doing by the changes in their students and for some in themselves. Come and join us on one of these trips. The students NEED to hear about your career and what has made you successful. And it will do something for you as well.

Annual ReportsJohn Potts